Thursday, April 8, 2021



The one constant thing is Change. It applies to our professional life as well. Up-skilling yourself is a need these days, the explanation is really simple, technological innovation is developing rapidly. We need to recognize and put our time in the Trending Technologies which will pull in an immense market in 2021. 

DNA Computing, Brain-machine interface, and Intelligent Robots may seem like a plotline from the most recent Hollywood blockbuster, yet we anticipate that these emerging technologies should possibly affect our regular daily existences. Along these lines, we have arranged a rundown of Trending Technologies in 2021. 

So, on with the rundown, shall we? 

✔ 5G Technology 

The next generation of cellular network services is a 5G Technology. It is required to give at any rate 20GBPS downlink and 10GBPS uplink, which will make the 5G network to be in any event multiple times quicker than the current 4G LTE. This will open entryways for new administrations, network tasks, and client experience for telecom administrators. 

Organizations putting resources into 5G: Samsung, Huawei, Intel, Deloitte, Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm 

You can check our 5G technology blog post 5G Changing the Mobile App Development Landscape

✔ Internet of Behaviours (IoB) 

The assortment and utilization of informational data to drive behaviors are known as the Internet of Behaviours (IoB). An illustration of it is industrial sites having utilized PC vision to decide whether representatives were conforming to mask protocol and afterward gathering this behavioral informational data to be analyzed by the associations to impact individuals to follow government protocols at work. 

IoB can assemble, consolidate and measure informational data from numerous sources including: 

  • Resident information processed by public sector 
  • Business customer data 
  • Government organizations or agencies
  • Web-based online social media 
  • Public domain 
  • Location/area tracking

The expanding refinement of the technological innovation that measures this information has empowered this trend to grow. 

Organizations putting resources into IoB: AWS, Cisco, SAP, Microsoft, HP, IBM, Dell, Cloudera 

✔ DevSecOps 

DevSecOps is short for development, security, and task operations. Its goal is to carry out security at a similar scale and speed as development and tasks operation and not only for it. With the more extensive appropriation of Microservices, DevSecOps appears to discover its path more profound into our DevOps market. 

That is not all. An anyplace operations model will be crucial for organizations to arise effectively from this current economy. At its center, this activities model takes into consideration a business to be gotten to, delivered, and empowered anyplace. This configuration is currently investigating different parts of innovation like GitOps, DataOps, and NoOps.

Organizations putting resources into DevSecOps: Amazon, NASA, Capgemini, Dell, Oracle 

✔ Intelligent Process Automation 

Robotic Process Automation is essentially the possibility that ‘Anything that can be robotized, ought to be automated. This year, we’ve found something much really interesting – Intelligent Process Automation. IPA, more or less, permits bots to profit by the capacities of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, which means they can learn and improve over the long run. This assists these clever bots with advancing the ‘Assuming this that’ rule. As the reception of Automation is required to develop, interest in IPA is assessed to arrive at $232B by 2025. 

Organizations putting resources into IPA: KPMG, AWS, Microsoft 

✔ Tactile Virtual Reality 

Creative innovations offer more vivid encounters like AR and VR. Computer-generated Reality inundates the client in a mimicked climate, Virtual Reality apps development is an overlay of innovation in reality. CISCO gauges that internationally, AR-VR traffic will expand 12-crease by 2022 on the whole fields of diversion. 

Contact/Touch gives us a more profound comprehension of the things which can’t be completely capable by sight or hearing. That is the place where Tactile Virtual Reality becomes possibly the most important factor. It consolidates the utilization of a few kinds of innovations including sensors, progressed optics, and so forth packaged into a solitary gadget that gives the capacity to overlay increased computerized content into your ongoing space. With the progression of Tactile/Haptic innovation, the touch obstruction would now be able to be scaled. 

Organizations putting resources into Tactile VR: Oculus, Virtuix, Cisco 

✔ Big Data Analytics 

Big Data Analytics has been there on the market for a long while now. An ever-increasing number of organizations are embracing it to go past the conventional methods of information stockpiling and handling. 

New patterns, for example, X-Analytics are being utilized to discover answers for difficulties, including environmental change, infection counteraction, and natural life security. 

Big Data additionally gives us intriguing trends like Decision Intelligence which gives a system to help information specialists to configuration, model, execute, and screen choice models and cycles with regards to business results and conduct. Indeed, by 2023, over 33% of enormous associations will have experts rehearsing decision intelligence. 

Organizations putting resources into Big Data Analytics: Amazon, Netflix, Starbucks, Spotify, Google, Adobe 

✔ Human Augmentation 

People have ceaselessly tried different things with technology to upgrade life as far as they might be concerned. This interest has now entered another area – Human Augmentation which fundamentally implies taking the assistance of technological advances like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, to upgrade our daily lives as well as to take human knowledge to the next level. 

Presently, the examinations have been dashing towards assisting individuals with handicaps with bionics and prosthetic augmentation and relieving ailment by exploring different avenues regarding qualities. However, the guarantee is to end the current actual inabilities or keep wounds from occurring by any means. 

Internet of things services can likewise give freedoms to other imaginative capacities. For instance, organizations like Neuralink expect to assemble a staggeringly incredible mind-machine interface, with the ability to handle unselfish measures of data. 

Organizations putting resources into Human Augmentation: Neuralink, Google, Samsung, Ekso 

✔ Everything-as-a-Service(XaaS) 

Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS) is a cloud computing services term for the broad assortment of administrations and applications arising for clients to access on-demand absurd rather than being used through on-premises implies. It gives you the adaptability to redo your registering surroundings to make the encounters desired, all on-demand. XaaS has extended to fuse numerous administrations, for example, 

  • Function as-a-Service 
  • IT-as-a-Service 
  • Infrastructure Framework as-a-Service 
  • Security-as-a-Service 
  • Database as-a-Service 

As these applications become considerably more compact, compute cycles simpler to acquire continuously, Data integration platforms smooth out connectivity, and merchants structure cross-platform unions, that multi-cloud trend may begin looking more like an Omni-cloud one in the close future. 

Organizations putting resources into XaaS: HPC, RedHat, VMWare, AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure 

✔ Cybersecurity

With such countless associations going through tremendous computerized changes, attention to the progressing approaching presence of cyberattacks keeps on developing – for large associations as well as for private ventures. Presently, Cybersecurity is the same old thing yet its trends certainly are! 

Virtual Dispersive Network(VDN) is a remarkable way to deal with cyber protection, wherein a signal is communicated in short blasts or quantum packets, which can’t be clandestinely perused without upsetting their content. Essentially, nobody can capture information shipped off you without presenting some commotion in it. 

blockchain development solutions or Blockchain Cybersecurity is a more secluded, responsive security approach by unifying organizations and disseminating requirements. It’s beginning to daybreak on organizations that having a viable network safety methodology isn’t only an extravagance yet a total necessity. 

Organizations putting resources into Cybersecurity: CISCO, RedHat, IBM 

✔ Artificial Intelligence

A strong Artificial Intelligence  execution will encourage presentation, adaptability, and unwavering quality while delivering the total profit from speculations. Yet, AI projects frequently face certain issues which makes them a test for most associations. In any case, there are new arrangements formed to deal with these issues. 

AI Engineering offers to make AI a piece of the standard DevOps measure as opposed to a bunch of particular and detached tasks. This addresses issues with practicality, versatility, and administration. 

Small AI expects to make calculations to contract existing profound learning models without losing their abilities, to pack more computational force into more tight actual spaces, and undeniably less energy. 

This progressive innovation is good to go to achieve another upset and subsequently, is on our rundown of moving technologies. 

Organizations putting resources into AI: Google, Apple, Amazon, IBM 

That was about the Top Trending Technologies in 2021. We hope this article proved valuable to you. Do remain tuned for the impending articles! You can likewise study our other blog based on innovative mobile apps for 2021.

Got an inquiry for us? Or do you need any type of assistance for integrating the above technologies in your upcoming mobile app developmentweb app developmentcustom software development, or if you need IT consultancy we at CDN Solutions Group are 24*7 available to solve your every query? 

To get in depth information on any DevOps, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, IoT, IoB, Cloud services, etc, you can email your requirement on, or you can fill your inquiry here. .

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Monday, March 1, 2021

Google Launches Kotlin Tool To Make Developers Happier

 Hey developers, google has concocted uplifting news for all of you.

As a web and mobile app development has consistently been a steadily growing and challenging field therefore it requires tools that can facilitate and ease your work. In 2016 -17 Google launched one programming language named kotlin that helps developers in many ways now once more google has added an exemplary tool to the kotlin family.

top android app development company

What’s New In This Tool?

The Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) tool is launched that can undoubtedly assemble the compiler plugin for the coder. A developer can utilize this tool with Kotlin 1.4.30 adapted version.

Kotlin developers needed to accelerate the development cycle during aggregation to stay away from additional time consumption. Another development challenge that Kotlin developers confronted was no native annotation processor framework. Thus, the Java annotation handling compatibility was utilized for the Android mobile application development through KAPT – Kotlin Annotation Processing Tool.

The tool was kept down by Java stubs ingested by the Java annotation processing framework. The goliath asserts that the Room library starting benchmarks showing the KSP that appears to be quicker than the KAPT tools. The designers will have programming modules and Android libraries to embrace in KSP explanation processors. 

The tool has come up as an extraordinary option in contrast to the KAPT with tentatively upheld Moshi and in partially upheld Room.


Google is endorsing Kotlin for quite a while as a decent programming language for Android applications. Over 60% of Android application developers are utilizing Kotlin as an extraordinary option in contrast to Java. The Java code is made an interpretation of into Kotlin to create 30% of the Google Home application.

This is how this new update from google hoping to become the best helping hand for developers so that they can work with ease. We at CDN Solutions Group, our developers are very much updated and regularly upgrade themselves. They are integrating this tool in there development process to make more apps and webs with ease.

In any case, you need more information about this or if you are seeking any business solutions provider you can feel free to contact us . Visit our website

Or you can email your queries at

We provide all sort of IT consultancy, IT Services like mobile app development, web app development, IOT, Blockchain, AI, AR VR, Cloud computing solutions and much more for your business. Connect with us now.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Everything You Need to Know to Patent Mobile App Idea

Instructions to Patent Mobile App Idea 

On the off chance that you are an entrepreneur person or start-up in light of an awesome mobile application idea, at that point, this blog is solely for you. In this blog, we have referenced a complete guide on the best way to patent a mobile application idea before you discuss it with somebody. Let’s start;

Do u have an awesome mobile app idea? Are you troubling that somebody may use it before you could apply it?

Luckily, intellectual property law – particularly trademark, patent, and copyright law – provides security to mobile application ideas. There are loads of new companies and business entrepreneurs, who trust in getting a patent an application idea to reject others from making, utilizing, or selling it.

Patent an application idea is essential to shield from commercial market copycats, who may take it. In any case, ensure that your application thought should be new and novel to be liable to patent law. It ought not to be a clone of other applications.

Here are the general inquiries that you may have about licensing an application idea: 

  1. What does the patent application idea mean in layman language? 

A patent is a type of licensed innovation law and will keep your thoughts from being utilized without your assent. It blesses you with the selective option to prohibit others from creating or selling your thought or an idea.

How about we take an illustration of Apple Company that looked for against Microsoft in the year 1994. The organization asserted that Microsoft took its concept of the graphical UI (GUI) from the previous’ Lisa and Macintosh working frameworks. Nonetheless, Apple didn’t gain a patent for its idea that drove it to rule for Microsoft.

  1. Is it Possible to patent a mobile application idea? 

Indeed! It is conceivable to patent a mobile application idea since it is one segment with various techniques for interaction. The code of the application can’t be patent as the actual code goes under the class of law covered by copyrights.

Along these lines, it is conceivable to patent the technique or interaction of the application that it follows to play out a specific activity. For instance, the application’s cycle that sudden spikes in demand for a cell phone or some other gadget interfaces with a distant worker with information that either stores it or cycles it to be utilized on a cell phone. In short, the application is the thing that makes your device or cell phone work in a specific way.

  1. What are the prerequisites to fit the bill for a patent? 

For the most part, patent eligibility for the mobile application idea is dictated by 3 central points. Here are those 3 central points that qualify your application for a patent:

  • It must be an “invention” 

By and large, patents are utilized to secure innovations. A patent is given to the development that is depicted as an answer for any issue, as indicated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

As we realize that the mobile application idea is certifiably not an actual physical item, so the interaction of the application is an invention as a development. Nonetheless, it is essential that simply like any innovation, the interaction should resolve any issue.

3.2 An application idea should be new and one of a kind 

In the event that your application thought takes care of an issue of the clients, it doesn’t imply that it is qualified for the patent. It is a must that your application thought is new and non-self-evident. In simple words, your application idea has not been unveiled before in a public format, including books, forthcoming patent applications, articles, YouTube recordings, and different sources.

Also, it should be remarkable and doesn’t as of now exist else you can’t patent it. For instance, in the event that you have built up an application like Uber and taking care of the issue of thousands of individuals by permitting them to book a ride with only a couple of taps, yet you can’t patent it as it is a clone of Uber application.

  • It should be qualified as valuable 

To wrap things up, your patent should be qualified as valuable. Notwithstanding, it doesn’t imply that your application thought can’t be under in engaging classification or anything like that. It implies that your application should work from a certain perspective. The limitation keeps individuals from licensing such applications that are not as valuable as they ought to be. In this way, it expects you to build up a solid and nitty-gritty clarification like how your application attempts to guarantee responsibility.

  1. Is my application idea effectively patent by another person? 

To check whether your application idea is now conceded to another person or not, begin investigating the current and forthcoming patent application ideas. The USPTO counsel to play out a high-level pursuit to discover comparable things utilizing its Cooperative Patent Classification

  1. When would it be advisable for me to file for a patent? 

Today, patenting an application idea isn’t allowed to the individual, who is first to develop it, however, it is conceded to the one, who is first to record a patent against it. It is one of the principal reasons, why numerous business people and new companies incline toward recording a temporary patent before freely unveiling significant subtleties.

You may discover a lot of patent attorneys, who are guided to patent an application idea prior to examining it to any possible financial backers. Regardless of whether you have consented to a non-divulgence arrangement, you can set yourself up to document quickly.

  1. What amount does it cost to file for a patent? 

For the most part, the expense of protecting an application thought varies from the sort of patent for which you apply. With regards to temporary licenses, it costs around $2000 to $5000. When you recorded a temporary patent, you can create and launch your application. A temporary patent keeps going a year, and you can utilize this period to test your application’s success.

Discussing the non-temporary patent, it by and large expenses somewhere in the range of $10,000 and $15,000. When you filed your patent. This assessment takes somewhere in the range of one and three years. The inspector will totally audit your patent and search existing licenses to check whether it is qualified. Prior to finishing up this blog, here’re various sorts of patent applications, so you can look at this and apply to patent your portable application thought.

Various Types of Patent Applications 

  1. Temporary Application 

Temporary Patent Application is the most widely recognized sort of licensing an application idea. By and large, it is consistently the principal approach that the vast majority of mobile app development organizations use when starting with the patent cycle.

With the temporary application, you are permitted to document without even a conventional patent case, presentation, or any data divulgence explanation. Here is a portion of the advantages of Provisional or temporary Application:

It awards a year to totally create and refine the MVP.

Permits you to utilize the expression “patent pending” on the product.

It is more affordable to plan and document the application when contrasted with a non-temporary patent.

It permits to record International applications and guarantees need inside a year.

  1. Non-Provisional Application 

With regards to discussing the non-provisional application for the patent, it very well may be documented without guaranteeing any need of utilization made in a convention country or with no reference to the application that is now in the process in the workplace is called non-provisional application.

It is an unquestionable requirement that is joined by a total particular and cases. A non-provisional patent application should contain data like a composed depiction of the development and in any event, one case that legitimately characterizes the dispenses and limits of the creation.

An accomplished patent lawyer can assist you with deciding if patent insurance is ideal for you or not. Indeed, even the lawyer can assist you with the patent application measure. Getting patent assurance on a novel and non-clear developments is fundamental for getting others far from taking your idea.


So, you have quite experienced the basic manual for patent mobile application ideas, and it incorporates a ton of work and strategies to follow.

In the event that you have any inquiry identified with mobile application development, mobile application idea to change over into application, our experienced application engineers help to create a mobile application, connect with us. As a Top Mobile App Development Company, we have just evolved more than thousands mobile applications of various classifications. We are rated as a top company by Good firms. You can click here to know more about CDN Solutions Group Reviews & Profile | GoodFirms.

To connect with us, simply fill our contact us form and one of our agents will contact you up in a matter of seconds. You can also mail us at 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

How To Make Your Business Strong By Enabling Information Technology

PCs and data information systems are fundamental pieces of each business today. Like bookkeeping and legal, each business needs to put resources into technological innovation to contend. Technological Innovation is both an expense of doing business and an opportunity to do more business. Many people I talk with perceive the need of having a PC, an email address, and a site, yet at the same time take a look at the forthright expense more than different issues.

In the wake of investing some energy working with many organizations, I believe it’s an ideal opportunity to make a stride back and take a gander at the higher perspective of technological business innovation. We should take a correspondent’s perspective on the point, and pose the fundamental inquiries: who, what, where, why, when, and how much?

For now, we’ll keep this short, however, every one of these inquiries merits a more complete article later on.


What are the advantages of IT for a business? There are many, however most fall under a couple of classifications:

  • Increase in reach to potential customers, build up a business relationship with potential clients
  • Smooth out all operations, decrease costs, improve effectiveness, boost benefit, limit waste, give the ability to the core business rather than overhead
  • Offer better support to clients
  • Backing better associations with key accomplices
  • Permit clients to more readily control the business

The absolute first question organizations should pose before investing any cash or energy in Technology is, “the reason why am I doing this?” If there isn’t a core business advantage to be acquired, for what reason do it in any case?

How Much?

Well set up organizations outside the technology business regularly spend between ½ percent and 10% of their yearly income on technological innovation spending, contingent generally upon the business. Assembling and retail are commonly at the low finish of this reach, while finance and medical care are ordinarily at the very high end.

In case you’re at the low end of technology spending for your industry, you might be passing up some key advantages technology can give. In case you’re at the high end, you might be spending excess on restrictive arrangements, or you might be driving your industry with some essential venture.


What expenses do you need to consider as a feature of your technology spending plan? These breaks into a few classifications:

  • Starting expense—software, hardware

  • Continuous ongoing expense—looking after systems, including licenses for software programming, hosting, and uphold support.

  • Opportunity cost—what amount of potential income is lost by not actualizing a framework?What are your rivals doing around there?

  • Upgrade cost—the cost of redesigns, and anticipated life expectancy of frameworks/recurrence of updates

  • Offer—what amount of worker time will the system save? What amount of new business could the framework create?

  • Dangers and Risks—what are the dangers of a specific framework? What does it cost to alleviate those dangers?


Would it be a good idea for you to spend through the greater part of your technology spending plan on the framework, hosted applications, custom line-of-business applications, for sure? The response to this relies a great deal upon your industry, however much more on your particular business. By and large, most organizations spend around half of their technology financial budget on infra—PCs, organizing gear, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). As the world moves increasingly on the web, and open-source programming turns out to be seriously convincing, there are immense freedoms for investment funds in these territories, for organizations that can take advantage of them.


There’s an almost negligible difference between something over the top and insufficient. Spend a lot on technology, and it will consume-through your time and budget plan, leaving you badly set up to do whatever else on your business. Spend nearly nothing and your opposition may improve their business to the point that you can’t contend.

You need to actualize enough technology to see a genuine advantage, forestall the most exceedingly awful debacles, and not pass up any significant changes, while not spending beyond what you can deal with.

Technology has an expense in dollars, yet additionally, in the time you and your representatives need to spend adjusting to it. Gnaw off too huge a piece and technology turns out to be counter-beneficial. Almost consistently, little, gradual, continuous pieces are a superior method to bring innovation into your business than enormous win big or bust frameworks that guarantee to do everything immediately.


At last, you need to conclude who to help you execute technology in your business. Will you do it without anyone’s help? Do you buy an off-the-shelf product? Do you utilize free programming? Do you go with an IT outsourcing company to make a custom framework? Do you utilize a facilitated framework? Do you choose any Business IT solutions provider?

Clearly, as a business IT Solution provider, I think the appropriate response is generally to hire a consultant or take advice from a Web App Development Company like CDN solutions Group to help you use as much quality free programming in your business as could be expected. Regardless of whether to utilize a facilitated framework relies upon your particular business needs. Off-the-rack exclusive products are rapidly turning into the most un-positive approach, yet there are as yet a couple of specialties where there is anything but a practical other option.

Numerous organizations are stuck at a strategic level, attempting to remain ahead on income and finance, and don’t have the opportunity to consider technology essentially. In any case, a solid solution for technology ought to be a piece of each field-tested strategy, and reconsidered at whatever point investigating a business.

On the off chance that you need help responding to these inquiries in your business, CDN Solutions Group is there to help you in providing IT Consultancy, and  Business IT Solutions. We also have a bunch of developers, designers and marketers that would help you enabling Blockchain, AI, IoT, etc to your businesses.

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Call Us at +91-731-4035927

Monday, February 1, 2021

Life Cycle Of Mobile App Development In 2021

 There are over 3.5 billion cell phone users around the world, so there is no uncertainty that the industry is healthy and flourishing. Stats are developing consistently, with no signs of easing back down. Also, various studies show that a normal user checks their telephone at any rate once every 12 minutes, and more than 10% of these individuals check their cell phones every four minutes. There are some more insights to remember.


  1. Individuals spent half of their time in digital media on their smartphones.
  2. Cell phone users spent 90% of their phone on mobile apps.
  3. More than 85% of purchasers lean toward native applications over mobile cross websites.
  4. Income from mobile applications is set to cross $693 billion at the end of 2021.
  5. The normal shopper has more than 30 applications installed on their gadget.


An average user goes through around 35 hours out of each month utilizing mobile applications.

The statistics are inspiring for any individual who wishes to fabricate or build up a mobile application. In any case, before we leap to any ends, we should comprehend the specific cycle for mobile application development. Although it sounds rewarding to assemble a mobile application to get a piece of the billion-dollar pie, the choice necessities thought technique and arranging. The reality additionally expresses that your application will contend with over 1.5 million applications on the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.

Mobile App Development Platforms 

The two most significant mobile application platforms are iOS from Apple Inc. furthermore, Android from Google. Both Android App Development Services and iOS App Development Services are provided by various OEMs including google.

Comparison Between Alternatives of App Development 

Native apps are assembled utilizing the tools and SDKs offered by platforms owners like Apple and Google. These applications run locally on your preferred platform.Cross-stage mobile applications can be composed on different programming dialects and afterward accumulated for every platform independently.Hybrid Applications are assembled utilizing the most recent web innovations like JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and afterward packaged as mobile applications for the required platforms. Cross platform Apps are unique in relation to Cross-Platform Apps as in they work utilizing web containers utilizing program runtime.Progressive Web Apps don’t need native or cross-platform development. They avoid the application store establishments and furthermore conventional application conveyance channels. They work inside the program, regardless of whether it be mobile or desktop. A connection is added to the smartphone as an application icon. These are fundamentally web applications that additionally run on mobiles.
Native applications offer the best runtime execution.Single code base for numerous platforms.Codebase is divided among web and smart phone applications.Applications run on the web, just as smartphones.
Straightforwardly utilize the platform’s informational data through platform explicit SDKs.A unified client experience can be offered in any event, for various platforms.Web development devices can be utilized to construct smartphone applications.No compelling reason to install the application. Runs through a program on URL utilizing the network connection.
The expense of building and maintaining up various codes for every platform is high.Since local libraries are not accessible, the dependability is on third party open-source libraries.The presentation isn’t native, as basically, they are constructed utilizing technologies for web development.Almost no support for native gadgets. Runs utilizing browser’s capabilities.
Features must be executed diversely dependent on the platform’s SDK tools.The code isn’t composed natively. Accordingly, it must be agreed with and crossed over. Which can be bugging.Practically zero support for native devices.On the off chance that the network connection isn’t accessible, interactivity is lost by and extent.


Mobile App Development Process 

To build an app, you need a step by step process that can help you construct smartphone applications rapidly. There are three significant advances:

  1. Comprehend the requirement
  2. Build up the Product
  3. Test the product.

Outline an App Development Strategy

The initial phase in the mobile application development process is to make a strategy by defining why? What is the goal of your application? How might your mobile application tackle an industry issue? What is your plan of action? What amount would you say you are prepared to put resources into building this application? What is your income model? How might you market your application, and to whom? Addressing these inquiries will give you a reasonable thought of how you can push ahead with your mobile application development process.


You can begin by characterizing the user persona. For instance, assume you are planning to construct an eCommerce application. All things considered, you will characterize your client persona by understanding your client’s age, their mobile utilization propensities, their inclination, and explicitly noting why and how they will locate your versatile application clients. Given this, you can make an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). To construct a successful system, you should do a portion of the accompanying things:

  1. Brainstorm your app ideas and thoughts
  2. Do market research and mobile app development tech stack
  3. Define your minimum viable product
  4. Analyze and plan your app development
  5. Build UI/UX design


Mobile App Design Process 

Designing is considerably more than figuring out how to utilize design software. You can figure out how to plan your mobile application yourself or request that somebody help you. In any case, above all the other things, the plan is tied in with understanding the item back to front, and it’s abilities, highlights, and functionalities. The plan ought to consistently remember the end-client. The design process we follow at CDN Solutions Group is as per the following.

  1. Building User Flow/Diagram for each screen
  2. Making Wireframes
  3. Picking Design trends, palettes, and components
  4. Making mockups
  5. Making a prototype and posing testable inquiries
  6. Give a finishing touch to the mockup dependent on client feedback



Most designers start by making rough sketches on paper. To improve, wireframes are computerized outlines, done utilizing wireframing tools, which you can likewise do utilizing pen and paper. Wireframes are ideas, not complete designs. They essentially assist you with understanding the visual design of your application’s highlights utilizing low-fidelity mockups.

At the point when you are designing wireframes, the focus must be made on style and how the client will encounter it. Shading colour palettes and design components are not needed at this point. Wireframes are utilized to rapidly comprehend what you need to be designed. It is significant that you design that is explicit to the product. Regardless of which gadget you are on, it ought to be natural and easy to understand.


Wireframes are acceptable. In any case, you will require intelligence to test the highlights so you can get feedback. Prototyping tools are tied in with transforming low-fidelity wireframes into prepared designs that can be imparted to your groups, companions, and every individual who can utilize it to offer their quality recommendations and feedback.

Prototyping is fundamental if you are hoping to pitch your application to investors. You can incorporate all the functionalities without experiencing development. For testers, it helps by offering a genuine vibe for what it resembles to utilize the application.


Testing the Developed App 


After effectively building up an application, the nature of the application must be guaranteed to be on-point. Quality affirmation is a crucial stage in the mobile application development process as it decides the dependability, security, and ease of use of the created application. To guarantee a comprehensive testing measure, various angles should be tended to by following a total testing cycle subjective to every application.


Testing can be extensively characterized into two classifications, manual testing, and computerized automated testing. It relies upon the kind of utilization whether it needs manual testing or robotized testing can give exact outcomes.


Any application should go through a heap of testing strategies to a myriad of an ideal application. A portion of the significant testing techniques that are an absolute necessity accomplish for all the versatile applications are,


  1. Functional testing,
  2. Performance testing,
  3. User interface and user experience testing,
  4. Documentation testing,
  5. Security testing,
  6. Configuration testing,
  7. Platform testing,
  8. Recovery testing,
  9. Beta testing,
  10. Certification testing.

Deployment and maintenance

Once you have constructed and tried the mobile application, the time has come to deploy it, and maintain it for the additional turn of events. Mobile application development is otherwise called mobile application launching. Here the lifecycle of mobile app development finishes the only thing you have to do is maintaining it which is an endless task.

In this way, the CDN solutions group conveyed to you the process of creating and developing the mobile app but in any case, you need assistance for any type of IT to support you can reach us at

We are a Mobile Application Development Company that provides the following services:

So, feel free to contact us. Email us at

Or you can directly call us at +91-731-4035927 / 8 .