Thursday, November 28, 2019

What You Must Know About Digital Health Technologies?

With the introduction of Wearables and healthcare mobile apps, the healthcare sector is rapidly moving towards digitization. Digital health technologies not only help healthcare to deliver services to people more efficiently and effectively. This also helps people in the medical management of their health and diseases on their own from remote locations.

What is Digital Health?

Before we dig deeper into digital health technologies, let’s learn about what digital health refers to…
The concept of digital health is very simple. As the name suggests, it uses technology to monitor and improve the health and wellness of individuals. Let me inform you that this term is broad and covers almost everything from gadgets, sensors, artificial intelligence, electronic records to mobile health apps. This is nothing else but the result of digital transformation bought to cultural change in the healthcare sector.
With so much advancement in the healthcare industry, there is no doubt in saying that the future of health is digital. Here’s what you must know about digital health technologies:

Digital health is no more limited to mobile and internet

Yes, today digital health draws upon a list of technologies apart from mobile phones and applications. It includes telemedicine, wearable devices, robotics, virtual reality, AI and genomics. For those who don’t know, genomics is a discipline that diagnoses individuals’ diseases using the genome sequencing data.

Digitalization makes healthcare systems sustainable

Today, a maximum number of people are living with chronic conditions which may require them to invest lots of time and money for treatment. But thanks to digital health technologies that have improved access to health services. This not only reduced cost but also improved the quality of care and improved efficiency of healthcare systems, making it responsive.
With the help of digital health technologies like remote monitoring devices and Wearables, people can manage their own health. Hence, making healthcare systems more sustainable.

Digital health technologies not only helps in treatment but also prevents illness

Digital health technologies offer a lot of self-care services that focus on preventing diseases rather than simply treating them. Digital devices can track heart rate and blood sugar and alerts you whenever a visit to a healthcare provider is needed. This not only reduces the chances of expensive visits to emergency rooms but helps you live a healthcare life.

Digitalization requires healthcare professionals to stay updated with the technology

Digital health technologies enable patients to take care of their health without physically visiting the doctor. But to help patients understand the usage of digital health tools, healthcare professionals first need to have the skills to use those tools.
But this alone will not be enough. To make patients co-designer of their health, healthcare professionals would need to engage their patients with digital health systems. These demands trust, a sense of partnership and transparency in the interaction between patients and health workers.

Digital health systems put an end to inequality in healthcare

Today telemedicine has become a very important part of healthcare. It provides medical services to remote patients using information and communication technologies. This makes it possible even for people in an isolated area to access medical services that are not easily available to them at an affordable cost. Digital health systems also promote health literacy. All of these factors result in reduced inequality in healthcare.

Digitalization allows more time to healthcare professionals

With digital health innovations, especially AI reduces manual tasks of health workers such as administrative tasks and other related repetitive tasks. This allows them more time to do more important tasks like practice medicine.
One such example could be a digital solution that automatically captures and analyses data, reducing the professional’s workload. Now the professional could spend more time with the patient in need.

Digitalize Your Healthcare

We offer full-service digital capabilities that span digital strategy and tactical implementation across design, development, and communications. To know more about healthcare services like mHealth Apps/ and healthcare software services just contact CDN  Solutions  Group today!
Connect with us at,  an enterprise software, web and mobile app development company. Or get a free quote today Here or call us at +1-347-293-1799  or  +61-408-989-495.

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